Lady Stefany of Wondon is born.


Lady Philomena of Wondon is born.


Sir William of Wondon becomes the oldest son of the Lord of Wondon


Alexander Reise is born.


Dominic Reise is born.


Sir William of Wondon marries Lady Marisa of Turain, hench she becomes Lady of Wondon.

Lady Marisa of Turain bring her own juweler, Ernest Flower, with her for her wedding.

Lady Philomena of Wondon falls in love with Ernest Flower.


Lady Marisa of Wondon gives birth to Lady Stefanie of Wondon.

Ernest Flower and Lady Philomena of Wondon marry and settle down at Templeton.


Maya Reise is born.


Lady Marisa of Wondon gives birth to Sir Thomas of Wondon.


Early Summer, Sir George Fern and Lady Allyson of Guttric with their Children Sir Arnold Fern and Lady Josephine Fern arrive to Wondon with their bodyguard, Abe Walden.

Midsummer, when the rumour of the early arrival of the Turainian twins to Malbourgh, their family start to arrive at Malbourgh too.

The uncle and aunt of the twins, Sir William and Lady Marisa of Wondon arrive with their cousins Sir Thomas of Wondon and Lady Stefanie with her fiancee David Smith, who is their bodyguard too, and the other oncle and aunt of the twins, Sir George Fern and Lady Allyson of Guttric with their Children Sir Arnold Fern and Lady Josephine Fern, arrive together, as the Guttrician had traveled throgh Wondon and Grossbourgh to bypass the mountains of Lewinton with their bodyguard, Abe Walden.

Each family gets their own suite at The Crowmed Lion.

Sir Leonard of Malbourgh and Lady Samantha of Turain are entertaining Sir William, Lady Marisa, Sir Thomas, Lady Stefanie and David Smith of Wondon, and Sir George Fern, Lady Allyson, Sir Arnold Fern and Lady Josephine Fern of Guttric.

At the pub of the theatre, While cuddling with his future wife, Lady Samantha of Turain, who is guarded by Ruddy Locky, Sir Leonard of Malbourgh introduces the rest of the guests for Sir Gareth of Lewinton:

Sir William and Lady Marisa of Wondon and their childen, Sir Thomas of Wondon and Lady Stefanie with her fiancee David Smith.

They came some days ago with Sir George Fern and Lady Allyson of Guttric and their Childen, Sir Arnold Fern and Lady Josephine Fern of Guttric.

Their future wifes has their uncle, Sir Ethan of Turain, and his wife, Sharon Turain, with their childen, Annika and Gielgud.

At The Midsummer Concert, the families of the brides have their own table. Sir George Fern, Lady Allyson of Guttric and their son, Sir Arnold Fern of Guttric, and Sir William and Lady Marisa of Wondon and their daughter, Lady Stefanie of Wondon and her boyfriend, David Smith.

This table is served by the mother of Niel Hauck, Amie Hauck.

After supper, Bettina Hauck, Finly Dade and Abe Walden enters the stage, and start play music.

Sir George Fern, Lady Allyson of Guttric, Sir Ethan of Turain, Sharon Turain, Sir William, Lady Marisa of Wondon, Lady Stefanie of Wondon and David Smith formed dancing couples, too.

Bettina Hauck annonces a small break in the show, and the audience returns to their seats.

When Sir Gareth of Lewinton start dancing, Sills Mayson, Jenis Baker, Sir George Fern, Lady Allyson of Guttric, Sir Ethan of Turain, Sharon Turain, Sir William, Lady Marisa of Wondon, Lady Stefanie of Wondon, David Smith, Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh, Lady Maritha of Turain, Sir Leonard of Malbourgh, Lady Samantha of Turain, Sir Peter of Turain and Hayley Locky quikly start dancing together.

Lady Valerie of Malbourgh giggly goes dancing and cuddling with Kari Bellerby.

Slim Bellerby goes to Conrad Combler and asks him to dance.

Charles Riggs leaves the children's table approaching the table of Etta Combler, to asks her to dance with him, but Chantelle Wood siftly blocks his away, and Etta Combler excapes to the table of Sir Arnold Fern of Guttric and starts dancing with him.

Hence, Charles Riggs takes Chantelle Wood out for dancing.


Late Summer at Wondon Tower, The old Sir Tomas of Wondon arrives to His daughter's wedding from Wondon Castle, together with Sir William and Lady Marisa of Wonden.

Lady Philomena and Ernest Flower and their son Flynn Flower arrive with a set of juwelery for Lady Stefanie and David Smith.

Richie Rowan Brant, the sheriff of Templeton, is guarding the juwelery.

The old Sir Tomas of Wondon marries Lady Stefanie of Wondon to David Smith.

The cousin of Lady Stefanie, Flynn Flower, gives Lady Stefanie and David Smith the juwelery he had made for them.

Then Lady Stefanie and David Smith get congratulated by her parents, Sir William and Lady Marisa of Wonden and the rest of the family of Lady Stefanie Smith.

When the brother of Lady Stefanie Smith, Sir Thomas of Wonden, gratulates Lady Stefanie Smith, she's united with her daughter, Sophie Smith.

Chantelle Wood looks happy, and Lady Samantha of Malbourgh takes Sir Patrick Jr. of Malbourgh of her hands, too.

Lady Philomena Flower congratulates them, too.

Sir William and Lady Marisa of Wonden are taken the guests, who are staying at Wonden Castle from Wonden Tower:

Ernest and Lady Philomena Flower and the sheriff, Richie Rowan Brant.

Sir Ethan of Turain and his wife, Sharon and their Children Annika and Gielgud Turain, Sir Peter of Turain and Hayley Locky, who are arguing over the kiss of Moyo Wardon-

Kirk Wharton and his daughter, Claire Wharton, who is disappointed, she didn't got to dance with Sir Thomas.

Rowan Frederic and Sherry Owens, Abe and Selina Walden with their son Dawe and Finly Dade and Ruddy Locky arguing over Moyo Wardon.

At Wonden Town, the companions are splitting up:

Rowan Frederic and Sherry Owens are sleeping at home.

Kirk and Claire Wharton is going to sleep at the sister of Kirk Wharton, Rosalin Warren at The Old Witch.

Claire Wharton and Annika Turain agrees to meet again next day.

Finly Dade and Ruddy Locky, Abe and Selina Walden and their son, Dawe are supposed to have a room at The Old Witch too, but since they all were arguing over Moyo Wardon, Ruddy and Hayley Locky have a room for them self.

Sir William and Marisa of Wonden, Ernest and Lady Philomena Flower and the sheriff, Richie Rowan Brant and Sir Ethan of Turain and his wife, Sharon and their Children Annika and Gielgud Turain, Sir Peter of Turain continue to the castle.

On the morning after the wedding, Sir William of Wonden learns from Alexander Reise, he had put Moyo Wardon in the dungeon for having a fuss and to battling with Sir Thomas of Wonden and others.

Since, Sir Thomas of Wonden was in a brawll, at his sister's wedding, and he didn't get home after the wedding, Lady Lady Marisa of Wonden gets worried.

Alexander Reise don't want to stay at Wondon Castle to guard Moyo Wardon for a long time, but like to go home to his wife and daugters at Rooster Claw.

Dominic and Edwin Rowley can guard Moyo Wardon for now, but as soon the harvest begins, Edwin Rowley will be busy.

The son of Lady Philomena and Ernest Flower, Flynn Flower, has disappeared too, and promised to help Dominic and Edwin Rowley together with Lady Marisa of Wondon.

Sir William of Wondon decides to appoint Dominic Rowley as dongeon master, to guard Moyo Wardon for now, and he will take Alexander Reise and Natan Meligan, a boy resently hired at the stable, out looking for Sir Thomas of Wondon and Flynn Flower.

At The Old Witch, Sir Thomas of Wonden enters with Alexander Reise, Natan Meligan and Annika Turain.

Annika Turain and Claire Wharton is happy to see each other, and Sir Thomas of Wonden passes on an order from Sir Ethan of Turain to Hayley Locky, that she shall be bodyguard for Annika Turain.

Hayley Locky doesn't mind that, as long as she's not going to be around Sir Peter of Turain.

Sir William of Wonden is looking for Sir Thomas of Wonden and Flynn Flower, since non of them have returned to the castle after the wedding.

Finly Dade thinks Flynn Flower is the boy, whom is with the maid of his masters, Chantelle Wood, at The Roster Claw.

Abe and Selina Walden have seen, Sir Thomas of Wonden and Maya Reise escording Sir George Fern and Lady Allyson home after the wedding, and that they both shall be at The Goblet in Sharton.

Alexander Reise stats, no matter how annoying, his sister, Maya Reise, might be, she'll take care of Sir Thomas. Hence, he suggesting, they start looking for Flynn Flower at The Roster Claw, and go to the Sharton next day from there to look for Sir Thomas of Wonden and Maya Reise.

On the way out, Sir William of Wonden, Alexander Reise and Natan Meligan meet Rowan Frederic and Sherry Owens, whom arrives at The Old Witch to see their friends.

At The Rooster Claw, Sir William of Wonden finds Flynn Flower with Chantelle Wood.

Flynn Flower had falling for the charming Chantelle Wood, and likes to stay with her at The Rooster Claw until she have to follow Sir Leonard and lady Lady Samantha of Malbourgh when they're heading home for Malbourgh as nanny for Sir Patrick Jr. of Malbourgh.

Flynn Flower have seen his cousins Maya Reise and Sir Thomas of Wondon excording Sir George Fern of Guttric to The Goblet at Sharton in Guttric.

Sir William of Wondon tells Flynn Flower his mother, Lady Philomena Flower, is looking for him.

Flynn Flower insist to stay at The Rooster Claw as long as Chantelle Wood is here, and he will return home, when Sir Leonard and Lady Samantha of Malbourgh.

Sir William of Wonden promises to tell Lady Philomena Flower, on his way home, her son is enchanted by the beautyful Chantelle Wood, but otherwise Flynn Flower is well and sound.

Sir William of Wondon talks with his nice, Lady Samantha of Malbourgh and they plan to leave as soon as Finly Dade joins them at The Rooster Claw, who is still at Wondon to buy an instrument.

Sir William of Wondon have alredy met Finly Dade at The Old Witch and he hope, his nephew, Flynn Flower is not deserping Chantelle Wood as nanny. Lady Samantha of Malbourgh recogn, he can take care of Sir Patrick Jr. of Malbourgh herself while they're waiting for Finly Dade.

Sir William of Wondon gets a room for the night for himself and Natan Meligan at The Rooster Claw at Hugo and Bella Scott, but Alexander Reise sleeps at home, with his wife, Leonie Reise, and his Children, Jonathan and Nia Reise.

Glenn Scott are makings rooms for Sir William of Wondon and Natan Meligan, while his wife Mattie Scott is playing with Sir Patrick Jr. of Malbourgh and Lay Scott.

Sir William of Wondon stays at The Rooster Claw with his nephew and nice over night guarded by Natan Meligan, while Alexander Reise stays a home with his wife, Leonie, and his Children Jonathan and Nia Reise, before he looks for his annoying sister, Maya Reise and cousin, Sir Thomas of Wonden.

Next morning, Alexander Reise comes back to The Rooster Claw with his wife and Children.

Jonathan Reise are playing with Nigel Scott and Nia Reise immediately starts playing with Sir Patrick Jr. of Malbourgh and Lay Scott, while Mattie Scott, Leonie Reise and Lady Samantha of Malbourgh have a good time. Chantelle Wood and Flynn Flower are having a good time by them self,

Sir William of Wonden, Alexander Reise and Natan Meligan then continue to Sharton and hope to find Maya Reise and Sir Thomas of Wonden.

Three days after the wedding, Sir William of Wondon, Alexander Reise and Natan Meligan are entering The Goblet looking for Sir Thomas of Wondon, while Maya Reise and Lady Josephine of Guttric are nagging at the boys, Sir Arnold Fern of Guttric and Sir Thomas of Wondon,.

Lady Josephine of Guttric explains to Sir William of Wondon, that Sir Thomas of Wondon is here to guard her, but right now, he's upstair sleeping.

Maya Reise adds, that she'd taken the guard over for Sir Thomas of Wondon, while she's guarding Sir Arnold Fern of Guttric, who is upstair sleeping, too.

While Maya and Alexander Reise starts arguering like sippings, they are, Sir William of Wondon asks Gemma Wedman and Lady Josephine of Guttric to wake up the boys, whilest jamie Wedman is finding Sir Sir George Fern of Guttric.

A moment later, Jamie Wedman appears with Sir George Fern and Lady Allyson of Guttric. Since Alexander and Mary Reise were still arguering loudly, Jamie Wedman place them with Sir William of Wondon in a more quite part of the inn.

While Jamie Wedman is serving them all breakfast, Sir George Fern of Guttric annonced, they were welly happy, Sir Thomas of Wondon has falling in love with their daughter, Lady Josephine Fern of Guttric, and welcomes him to Guttric.

Lady Allyson of Guttric adds, they were very happy, Sir William of Wondon has arrested the witch Moyo Wardon, and they are very happy, the nice of Sir William of Guttric, Maya Reise is taking care of Sir Arnold Fern of Guttric, and that they do not mind Maya Reise to marry Sir Arnold Fern of Guttric,

Sir William of Wondon is happy to leave Sir Thomas of Wondon in the care of Sir George Fern of Guttric for now, but he will, however, equiped him with a bodyguard, Natan Meligan, since he find it inappropiate for him, to act as a bodyguard for Lady Josephine Fern of Guttric.

On the account of his niece, Maya Reise, she can do as she likes, but he will inform her mother about her whereabouts.

Sir William of Wondon was not sure on which ground he has to hold Moyo Wardon in his dungeon, but witchcraft is very illegal at Wondon, so if Lady Allyson accuse her of witchcraft, he will keep her at the dungeon for further investigation.

Lady Allyson of Guttric does, and claims, Moyo Wardon had completely bewitch her son, Sir Arnold Fern of Guttric.

Gemma Wedman arrives with Sir Thomas of Wondon and Lady Josephine Fern of Guttric hefty arguing with har brother, Sir Arnold Fern of Guttric.

Maya Reise stops arguiing with her brother, Alexander Reise, to kiss Sir Arnold Fern of Guttric and Sir Thomas of Wondon takes Josephine Fern of Guttric to his father to introduce her, as his new fiancee.

Sir William of Wondon greets Lady Josephine Fern of Guttric amd introduces Natan Meligan as his new bodyguard, while he's at Guttric.

Gemma Wedman greets the new young boy, and starts to give him food.

After having made sure, his son is in safe hands at Guttric Shire and had giving his a bodyguard, Sir William of Wondon and Alexander Reise are heading home to Rooster Claw.

At Rooster Claw, Sir William of Wondon greets his neice, Lady Samantha of Malbourgh from her other oncle, Sir George Fern of Guttric.

The nephew of Sir William of Wondon, Flynn Flower, is still engaged in cudling with Chantelle Wood, but Flynn Flower agrees to return home to Templeton, when Chantelle Wood has to follow the Malbourghians as they go home.

Alexander Reise, stays at Rooster Claw with his wife, Leonie, and kids, Jonathan and Nia, and promised to tell his mother, where Maya Reise is, while Sir William of Wondon continues to his sister at Wondon Tower.

After having rested at his sister and brother in law, Lady Stefany, and Jonathan Reise at Wondon Tower, Sir William of Wondon arrives home at Wondon Castle fore days after the wedding.

Fore days after the wedding, Sir William of Wonden brings news to his sister, Lady Philomena Flower, about her son. He has just falling in love, and will return home soon.

Then, Sir William of Wondon brings Moyo Wardon from to dungeon to the courtroom, to present her for her conviction.

Lady Allyson of Guttric has accused Moyo Wardon for bewitching her son, Sir Arnold Fern of Guttric in to marry her, and since Wondon considers witchcraft very serious, and must be punished by drowning in the well of the courtyard. However, Moyo Wardon will have the bennifit of the doubt, and will be kept in the dungeon for futher investigation..

Moyo Wardon gets very furious, and Edwin Rowley had to chain her again to bring her back to the dungeon.

Christmas At the Castle the young Sir William of Wondon posits, Moyo Wardon has beens accused of making witchcarf, but he promises to deleaver her in at cage after Christmas, in a cage if Alexander Reis wants her for any thing, and will take responcebity for her.


Late Winter, Sir William of Wondon gives orders to bring Moyo Wardon to Rooster Claw, while Dominic Rowley is about to give birth, so Edwin Rowley walks to the dungeon, to ty Moyo, and puts her in a cage, to drive her to Alexander Reise, who needs her as maid, eventhough she's a witch.

Sir Tomas of Wondon dies and Sir William of Wondon succeeds his father.



Lady Rebecca and Sir Thomas of Wondon arrive at Wondon.


Lady Stefani of Wondon was born.


Lady Marisa of Turain and Wondon dies.


Spring Equinox The 16th Prince and Princess Denice Heaton Lady of Grossbourgh comes visiting the sister of the Prince, Lady Rebecca of Wondon.

Sir William of Wondon was born.

Late Spring Sir Thomas promises to send someone to Grossbourgh Casle to keep an eye on his nephew, Sir Robert of Lewinton and look after Lady Fraya Heaton of Grossbourgh.


Sir William of Wondon dies.